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Who is J.G. Catlett?

In April 2022, I began a new search for an oilman named J.G. Catlett from Tulsa, OK, whom I failed to locate in 1985. He owned a Texas mineral interest I wanted to lease for oil and gas development. Using modern search engines, I located Catlett in four minutes in 2022. As I expanded my search criteria, I learned Catlett played a crucial role in one of the nation's most significant crimes of the 1930s, with ties extending to the 1932 kidnapping of Charles Lindbergh, Jr. and the 1933 Kansas City Union Station Massacre, crimes that affected the way J. Edgar Hoover managed his redevelopment of the Department of Justice's Division of Investigation - that would become today's FBI. 


This work is "in process."

OUT in the Patch: Forty Years of Cross-Cultural Education

Stories of the thousands of people I met and what they taught me while negotiating oil and gas leases for my oil company clients between 1980 and 2020. This project is my initial writing effort and is undergoing revisions guided by my editor.